History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero  

Look at this picture, young people all over the world are crazy about shirts with this picture. This photo is of Che Guevara, the famous revolutionary leader of Cuba. Which young people around the world consider a symbol of revolution. In the United States and Europe, they are considered terrorists and fascists. In this Article I will show you how Che Guevara became the hero of the revolution. I am Sadaqat Ali and you are read. Look, listen, I know who he was .

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar

On June 14, 1928, a child opened his eyes inside the Guevara family in the Rosario region of Argentina. His parents named him Ernesto Guevara. He was the eldest of five siblings. Ernesto had asthma since childhood, so his parents taught him at home instead of at school. Ernesto was a good rugby and football player and cycled many kilometers every day. Playing chess was his favorite pastime. He was a doctor by profession but his real interest was his family library inside the house. Ernesto spends hours in the library. He was interested in poetry books but also read the books of Karl Marx, the founder of modern communism. Communism soon overcame their hearts and minds. This was a time when the world was divided into two distinct systems. On one side were countries like the United States, Britain and France. Who protected the interests of the capitalist system, the rich class. Communism, on the other hand, was a system that claimed to support the poor. Soviet Russia and China were considered pioneers of communism. Young people in the less developed and poor countries of the world, including Pakistan and India, were addicted to communism.Ernesto's habit of traveling with books also played a role in his conversion to communism. Ernesto traveled to various parts of Argentina on bicycles and motorbikes at an early age. During this time he also traveled to neighboring Chile. He also went to Guatemala and took part in communist demonstrations there. During his travels, he saw the plight of the poor and his hatred of the capitalists increased. Ernesto had joined revolutionary groups at an early age.

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar

But a turning point in Che's life came when he met with Cuban leader Fidel Castro. And in the first meeting, the two became fans of each other. Fidel Castro considered Ernesto his best friend and gave him the nickname "Che" which means "Hey You". Thus, Ernesto Guevara of Argentina became Che Guevara of Cuba. Castro wanted to bring about a revolution in Cuba and could not find a better ally than Che. Che and Castro sought refuge in Mexico to escape the Cuban government. But the Mexican government arrested him. Shortly afterwards, when Castro was about to be released, he refused to leave prison without Che. Che tried to get rid of Castro and run a communist campaign, but Castro replied, "I will not leave you alone."Within days, Mexico released the two together. The incident deepened the friendship between the two young revolutionaries. Both came to Cuba from Mexico. He formed an army of revolutionaries and trained them on a war footing. In 1958, thousands of fighters, led by Castro and Che Guevara, began occupying major Cuban cities. On December 31, 1958, rebels led by Che Guevara captured the important Cuban city of Santa Clara. Cuban President Batista also escaped unharmed on a plane. Thus the banner of communism began to fly over Cuba. The Cuban Revolution was the greatest event of its time. A country that was very close to the United States. There, the control of communism sounded the alarm for all Western countries. But it was here that Fidel Castro and Che's first rift broke out.Castro wanted to take credit for the revolution himself, so he barred Che from entering the capital, Havana. And entered the city first as a conqueror. Castro also took over the government of Cuba. But he did not forget to reward Che for his loyalty. After the revolution, Che was granted Cuban citizenship and given charge of finance and industry.


Che Guevara Millionwar
Che Guevara Millionwar
Che Guevara 

Che Guevara was now a prominent government official and leader. Despite this status, Che did not follow the protocol. He used to travel in buses with his wife and children like normal passengers and also worked hard with the laborers. Che also wrote books on communism and guerrilla warfare. After the revolution in Cuba, it was as if Che's life had come to a standstill. He was working to improve the lives of the Cuban people. During this time he traveled around the world. He disliked the United States, but he still went to the United States to address the UN General Assembly.

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar

Look at this picture carefully. Yes, in this picture, President Ayub Khan and Che Guevara are standing side by side. This photo was taken when Che Guevara came to Karachi on a short visit to Pakistan. It is said that Che came to Pakistan twice in 1965 and again in 1965. But since Pakistan was an ally of the United States and in a way anti-Cuba camp. So, unfortunately, Che's two visits did not get much coverage. Apart from Pakistan, Che Guevara also visited India, where he received a warm welcome and full coverage in the media. Che's life in Cuba seemed to be going well. But then there was an earthquake in this quiet life. It so happened that the revolution in Cuba had deeply disturbed the United States. The US government feared that the Soviets might establish military bases inside Cuba. As a result, the CIA trained the opponents of the revolution in Cuba to invade Cuba. Although the attack failed, Che hated the United States so much. He called on his ally Soviet Russia to fire a nuclear missile at the United States.He openly said that the American city of New York should be wiped off the face of the earth. Significantly, during this period, the Soviet Union did indeed install nuclear missiles on its ships and send them to Cuba. But the US Navy stopped the ships on the way. The whole world was in danger of nuclear war. Suffice it to say that the Soviet government, acting prudently, withdrew its ships, thus averting World War III. If this war had taken place, millions of people would have been killed in the world, so in a way, this move of the Soviet Union was right. But Che Guevara's revolutionary mind did not understand this expediency. Che felt that Soviet Russia had betrayed workers and peasants around the world by accepting American pressure. Che seems to have faced the same challenge that every ideological man faces at some point in his life. The challenge was whether to risk the lives of all human beings for the sake of ideas or to give up their ideas for the sake of human lives.Disillusioned with the Soviet Union, Che began to develop relations with Kerchin. China was a communist like Soviet Russia. But in the war of global influence, China and the Soviet Union were considered enemies. The Soviet Union did not like Che's growing proximity to China and forced Castro. That he should turn his eyes away from his old friend Che, and so did Castro. In February 1965, Che Guevara sharply criticized Soviet Russia during a conference in Algeria. When he returned to Cuba, he was arrested at the behest of Castro and taken to an interrogation center. Where he was interrogated for more than forty hours. Che was very frustrated and exhausted when he left the interrogation center. Che was also fired from the Cuban Central Committee. There were also rumors that Castro wanted to assassinate Che.Che was also frustrated with government responsibilities. They were revolutionaries by nature, so there was no place for China.

He also resigned from government posts and announced that he was looking for new fronts. Che Guevara arrived in the African country of Congo to fight the Revolutionary War. The Congolese revolution failed, and Che Guevara returned to Cuba as a failure. It is said that when Che returned to Cuba, Castro persuaded him to give up his anti-revolutionary stance and live in peace in Cuba. But Che's militant and revolutionary nature did not allow him to stay long in Cuba. They then left Cuba and headed for Barbados. But rebels fighting for the revolution in Bolivia refused to make Che their commander. If Che had wanted to, he could have continued the war of revolution with the rebels as a soldier. But in doing so, he would have lost all the experience he had gained as a commander in the Cuban revolution. As a soldier, it was useless for him to fight the insurgents. So they parted ways with the rebels and decided to return. However, this time luck was not with Che. The Bolivian government was aware of Che's presence in the country. A special army unit had also been formed to catch Che alive or dead. There were army informants in the area who were delivering the news of Pul-e-Pul to the headquarters. The US CIA was also helping Bolivia. With the help of such informants, Che and a handful of his comrades were surrounded in the jungle on their way out of Bolivia. Che and his comrades fought hard against the army. Che was injured in the exchange of fire. His gun also became useless. Bolivian troops were very close to them. When the soldiers pulled out their guns to kill Che, Che said a strange sentence.He said, "I am Che Guevara. The living Che Guevara will be more useful to you than the dead Che Guevara." No one knew if it was Che's cowardice or a plan in his mind. The soldiers took Che prisoner. But the Bolivian government and its patron, the United States, should not have died alive. Bolivian President Renee Brentos has ordered the execution of Che Guevara.

History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar
History Of Che Guevara How To  Hero or Zero Millionwar

Bolivian Army Sergeant Mario Tyran was sent to kill Che. And there was a special reason for sending it. The reason was that many of Mario's comrades, Che and his group were killed On October 9, 1967, Mario pulled out a shotgun. Che finds out that his last hour has come. They tried to make their killer angry so that he could kill them quickly. But the killer stared at the target. First he hit Che's legs, then his arms, and finally his chest and heart. Che Guevara's last words were a conversation with his killer. Shoot, coward. You can only kill one man. It is also said that Fidel Castro was trying to save the life of his dear friend till the end despite the differences. But not one of them survived the global conspiracies. On the other hand, some believe that Castro was involved in the assassination of Che in Bolivia. Whatever the truth. But Che was dead.His bullet-riddled body was hung from a helicopter and taken to a nearby village where photos and videos were taken. A doctor then cut off both of Che's hands and Che's body was buried at an unknown location. Che's body may never have been found, but a mass grave was discovered in Bolivia thirty years after his death. In which a skeleton was found without hands, the French test proved that it was Chehi's body. Things had changed, and the Bolivian artist made special wooden coffins in which Che's remains were sent to Cuba. Fidel Castro buried the remains with full military honors in the city of Santa Clara. A 22-foot-tall statue was erected and Che's struggle was engraved on a white wall. Even today, Cuban schools pay daily tribute to Che Guevara. In the West, Che Guevara is often seen as a terrorist or a rebel. But the fact remains that Che Guevara has become a metaphor for global rebellion and revolution.