China And America War

China And America War Millionwar

China And America War Millionwar
China And America War Millionwar

China And America War

Do you know the US had also intended to drop atomic bomb on China and what was its outcome?

What was the role of Pakistan and Indian army in the Korean war?

What was the result of fight between the US and Russian war planes?

I am Muhammad Sadaqat Ali and you are read  'History of China'...

from Opium to the CEPC.

On October 1,1949 when Mao was announcing establishment of Peoples Republic of China... the world was standing on the threshold of the atomic war. America had already developed a nuclear bomb four years ago and dropped it on Japan. On the other side, Russia was also preparing the atomic weapons quietly. After defeat to Hitler, Russia had imprisoned over 200 German scientists. They were manufacturing atomic bomb in Russia. On August 29,1949, one months before Mao came into power, Russia exploded atomic bomb. But Mao's Chinese revolution was also not less than an atomic blast in the world politics. As America had now, not one but two major rivals to deal with. China then was a poor country but the largest in term of area and population in the world. The Chinese Communists revolution gave sleepless nights to America. America and Europe cried out at the possibility of Easter Asian states, like Korea, Japan, Vietnam... and other falling to the Communists revolution. In order to counter this threat, the US began to prepare more lethal atomic weapons... and also develop its ally, Britain, into an atomic power. It is the same America which today is the champion of nuclear non-proliferation. A year after the Chinese revolution, a situation emerged that might lead the US to nuclear attack on China. Korea was the main reason for it. America and Russia had divided Korea into North and South and drew a boundary between the two. It was called 38-Parallel. North Korea, where Kim Il Sung ruled, was under the Russian influence. He was the grandfather of the sitting ruler of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. He wanted to take away South Korea from US clutches and reunite both the parts. China and Russia both were helping him in this behalf. Kim Sung trained the guerilla army of over 6000 soldiers. And secretly pushed it into South Korea. With the help of their local sympathizers, the guerilla force attacked the army of South Korea. As per the US CIA, Kim Sung visited Moscow following success of the Guerilla attacks. He met Stalin and Moa and got their permission to attack South Korea.


China And America War Millionwar

135,000 soldiers of North Korea entered South Korea on June 25, 1950. Interestingly, the CIA Intelligence Center in South Korea knew the North Korean army had come into action. But the US did nothing. As the US knew Russia would not risk triggering the third World War by encouraging war in Korea. The CIA todate accepts its failure to assess the N. Korean attack as a major intelligence blunder. The US folly rendered the North Korean attack highly successful. With the help of Russia tanks, North Korea captured Seoul, the Capital of South Korea in 3 days. The army of South Korea faced crushing defeat on every front due to shortage of weapons. Now America could not be silent any more. So the US declared North Korea invader and began aerial attacks on its army. It did not rest here but also got a resolution passed from the UNO for sending international force to help S.Korea. Since Russia had boycotted the meeting and China's permanent seat in the Security Council was.. with Chiang Kai Shek, who was dead adversary of Mao and the Communists, therefore Russia and China... could not veto the US resolution on International force. Pakistan and India also supported the resolution for international troops in South Korea. Immediately the US resolution was carried International force of 16 countries was got ready.


China And America War Millionwar
China And America War Millionwar

American General Douglas Mac Arthur was appointed commander of this force. It was the same person who had defeated Japan in the World War II. Do you know what role Pakistan played in this war?

When America demanded Pakistan for providing two brigades of army for sending them to South Korea... Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan curtly refused the demand. However, he offered to send 5000 tones of wheat for the international troops. For the sake of reference it is to tell you that Liaqat Ali Khan had turned down every demand of America. He had even refused to give Budbher Airbase near Pashawar to America for surveillance of Russia. However when Gen. Ayub Khan was the Army Chief during the period of Sikander Mirza... then the same airbase was handed over to America. The tales of the regimes of Liaqat Ali Shaheed, Sikander Mirza and Ayub Khan have also already been... shown to you in the History of Pakistan . Anyway Liaqat Ali Khan saved Pakistan from entering the Korean war. India too did not send army but provided a medical unit for the assistance of the international forces. Including India, 41 countries helped the International forces in different ways. Under the command of Douglas MacArthur, American and the Allied Forces entered South Korea. And they surrounded a major part of the invading army.


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China And America War Millionwar

North Korea faced the rivals strongly but absence of the air-force enabled the enemy to dominate it. In a strong attack by the Allied Forces, 65000 North Korean soldiers were either killed or arrested. Thousands hid themselves for guerilla fight while 25000 North Koreans fled back to their country. The US had won the war and now it had the best chance to end it with a grace. But Gen. Douglas MacArthur turned out to be a proud person. He wanted to capture North Korea and teach the Communists a lesson. He also regarded the Chinese inferior so he ignored the warning from China of entering... the war due to attack on North Korea. MacArthur also had the objective of contesting for the US presidentship as Republican candidate. So his job could become easy if he had achieved a big success on the front of North Korea. So with this aim, MacArthur continued attack on North Korea. But the Chinese army also came into action as soon as the US forces crossed the border of North Korea. On the night of 13 and 14 September 1950, thousands of Chinese crossed the Yellow River... and entered North Korea. 800,000 reserved force was standing alert in China to reinforce the Chinese troops fighting in North Korea. But the American CIA and the military high command failed to get the slightest clue to it. It was the second major intelligence lapse of America, for which it paid a heavy price. Chinese soldiers hid themselves on the mountains and in the jungles in North Korea and attacked... the Allied troops as soon as they come near them.


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As many as 10000 US and Korean soldiers were killed and injured in the first assault. This attack by the Chinese was merely a trailer. The Chinese were only assessing the potential of the enemy. When they got the idea of how much the enemy was powerful they hid themselves again. MacArthur still failed to comprehend the power of the Chinese army. He thought the enemy had fled instead of fighting. He also sent his army to the forests to manhunt the Chinese soldiers. But the Allied soldiers fell prey to the Chinese trap. The Chinese attacked the Allied from all around and caused them so huge losses that they quit North Korea. It was the historic defeat of America.

Do you know what was the reason behind this defeat?

Chinese army had adopted the same war technique that of the long march. That was secretly reaching the enemy so close that he was unable to benefit from its artillery and airforce. And then wash the enemy away. Importantly, the Chinese had neither air-force nor modern weaponry. They had almost no trucks to carry the supplies for this large army. Arms and food for the soldiers were carried even on the bicycles.


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China And America War Millionwar

 Yet the Chinese were determined while the US forces despite airforce aid were helpless before them.

After expelling the US from North Korea, the Chinese soldiers entered South Korea and captured Seoul.

Now the number of Chinese army had enhanced. But here was a problem as millions of Chinese had reached the front and were in the open areas. Therefore attacking the enemy from the hideouts was not possible. Therefore the US artillery and the airforce bombed the Chinese to pushed them back to the border. Both the armies again reached the borders that is, at 38-Parallel. But the American army had lost the contact. Hence it was not in a position to move forward. US President Truman removed the arrogant Gen. MacArthur for not obeying the orders. MacArthur was quite popular at that time. So the people protested his removal but Truman did not reinstate MacArthur. But Truman had also assessed his low popularity that would not allow him to contest for presidentship again. Therefore he announced not to contest the next election. So the war wrecked the political career of MacArthur and Truman both. It may be mentioned that Truman and MacArthur both wanted to bomb atoms on China and... North Korea to spoil Chinese successes in the war. In a media talk, Truman had even hinted about the possible atomic attack in the Korean war. American officials and generals also supported bombing atoms on the Chinese cities. But Mao warned the US against the use of atomic bombs saying, it can trigger third Word War. The threat of atomic attack by the US President was not merely verbal. The US army had also shifted the atomic weapons to the base near China in the Pacific Ocean. Everything was ready for atomic attack on China and North Korea. Truman was the same US president who had ordered to drop atom bomb on Japan. So it was useless to expect any mercy from him. But the US also knew the Soviet Russia would certainly respond to the use of atomic bomb against China. Therefore the stage of using atomic bomb did not reach in the Korean war. Despite threats of atomic attack, Mao was resolute on the other hand. He wanted to conquer South Korea at any cost. American and the Chinese armies were repeatedly attacking each other. They were capturing little bit of others land in every attack. The Chinese army in an attack on a front in 1953, pushed back the Allied forces by 30 kms


China And America War Millionwar

But before the attack Stalin, the Russian head of the state and Mao's closed ally, died. It was a big shock for China as well. Stalin had helped China and North Korea in a big way in his lifetime. China did not have airforce and Stalin provided it with Mig-15 aircraft and the pilots. Since Russia was not practically at war with the US as such its aircraft did not hit the Americans directly. They only defended the Chinese army against the US air bombardment. That too, in a small area of North Korea. The area being defended by the Russian airforce was named 'Mig Alley' by the Americans. The US and the Russians aircraft had intense dog-fights in the North Korean skies for 2 and a half years. History records it as the maiden combat of the jet fighters. The Russian Migs held a superiority over the Americans' That they flew at a high altitude and got concealed in the clouds and hit the US planes when... they would flew underneath.


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China And America War Millionwar

 But the American pilots were highly trained. They had F-86 Sabre fighter planes The same Sabre jets which Pakistan later used against India in the wars of 65 and 71. The Sabres downed so many Mig-15 that were dubbed killers of the Russian planes. As many as 500 Mig-15 were destroyed in the dog fights while the US airforce lost only 78 Sabres. 200 Russian pilots were also killed that fights. The death of Stalin had failed realization of Mao's dream of conquering South Korea. Moe accepted ceasefire. Since no formal ceasefire was struck, therefore North and South Korea are technically still in a state war. No-one is winner in the war todate. Because China failed to capture South Korea and America North Korea. But both successfully defended the land under their respective control. From the military point of view it was a war without result yet in a way, it was a big success of China. Because it gave tough time to a super power for 3 years without having the latest weapons and the airforce. Not only that China had also settled account with its old foes like Britain and France. The exact facts and figures of the Korea war are yet not available. The US claimed that China and North Korea had lost over one million soldiers and other 1.1million injured. But China concedes to only 150,000 deaths in the war. Over 200,000 South Korean soldiers were killed and more than 400,000 injured in the war. 36000 US troops were killed and over 100,000 injured in the war. As many as 8000 American soldiers are still missing. The North Korea held the remains of 200 US soldiers which it returned to America in 2018. Another bitter reality of the Korean war was the killing of 1.6 million citizens. The Korean war was over but it was beginning of the wars in China as.... the dream to unite the country was still unfulfilled. China had integrated Tibet with it in 1950, but Taiwan was still being held by... Mao's old adversary Chiang Kai Shek. At a time India and China were raising slogans of brotherhood, Pakistan, China stood at distance. 

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