Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty  Millionwar
Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar

Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty 

Genghis Khan disappeared one day on the top of a sacred mountain. When he returned, he announced that the god of heaven had given him the good news of the conquest of China.

But did the Chinese have ammunition?

Then how did Genghis Khan compete with guns and ammunition on horseback?

And most of all, why did he need to attack a powerful empire like China?

I am Sadaqat Ali  and read  to "Who was Genghis Khan?"

In the time of Genghis Khan, China was ruled by powerful families The most powerful of these was the Chen dynasty. He was also called Chin the Great. Its rulers considered heaven to be God and called themselves the son of heaven. On the other hand, Genghis Khan also claimed that he is the son of heaven. And the heavens have put the government of the whole world in its swing. So that was the reason for their confrontation. But another big reason for the controversy was that the two sides were at loggerheads Now that the Chinese Empire was more powerful Therefore, the abuse was often more by them. In the border areas, the soldiers of the Chen Empire, the Chinese soldiers, would come to plunder the Mongol areas. They also looted the honor and wealth of the Mongols and took away the Mongol children as slaves. On the other hand, the armies of the Mongols and Tatars also used to plunder the Chinese territories. So for both these reasons, there was a rift in both the states. It was a normal bathroom. But then a new emperor came to the Chen dynasty. This emperor was not ready to give more importance to the Mongols than to ordinary nomads.He sent a message to Genghis Khan. The message was that he should obey the emperor of the Chinese emperor Yan'i Chen. Genghis Khan heard the message, turned his face towards China and spat loudly. Then he jumped on his horse and rode to one side. His move was a declaration of war against the Chen Empire. In 1211 he gathered his tribes for the same purpose. Women, men and children began to pray to the God of Heaven in separate groups.But Genghis Khan was not among those who prayed. Where was he

Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar
Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar

Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar

The beautiful national park you are looking at is the Gorkhi Terralge National Park in Mongolia. Genghis Khan had come to seek victory from the god of the sky on this beautiful and high mountain Barqan Qaldun of this deceptive park. Among the Mongols, this hill was considered sacred. Genghis Khan stayed on the same hill for three to four days. When he came down the hill, there was determination on his face.

Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar
Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar

He said to his army, "Rejoice, rejoice. The blue sky has promised us victory." Upon hearing this good news, the Mongols became excited. They began preparations to invade the Qin Empire. But the Chinese population and, in that sense, their army was also very large. On the other hand, the Chinese army was much more modern than the Mongols. Genghis Khan, like a Ghag general, understood that it was not possible to defeat the Chinese with enthusiasm alone. So he made a deep move. He divided the Chinese army into two parts. He did so because of anti-government sentiment in Manchuria, an important part of the Qin Dynasty. Genghis Khan used these sentiments to his advantage and caused a revolt in Manchuria. It is now clear that part of the Chinese army went to Manchuria to quell the uprising, leaving a small number of troops at the center. This was the time when Genghis Khan invaded the Qin Empire in May 1211. He initially had an army of 65,000. The army crossed the Gobi Desert, about a thousand kilometers long, in just one month and entered northern China.Genghis Khan had strong hopes of victory. But contrary to his hopes, Genghis Khan failed. Despite the small army, the Chinese successfully defended. The reason was that Genghis Khan's homework was not complete. He was good at fighting in the open, but the way the Chinese turned their cities into forts made them safer. This was a new thing for Genghis Khan. He did not even have catapults or gates to break down the strong walls of the forts. So it was taking a lot longer than expected everywhere. Then came the onset of winter. Fighting in the snow from the sky, it was impossible to stay in a foreign country. So Genghis Khan did not win, but came back with an experience. Learning from this failed attack, he prepared again. In 1113, Genghis Khan once again invaded the Qin Empire. But this time he was more prepared than before, he had more soldiers in his army and the speed of his conquests was very fast. He was advancing towards Zhongdu, the capital of the Chen Dynasty, conquering territories.The city was located in what is now the capital of China, Beijing. The Qin Empire was competing with Genghis Khan, but that was the reality That this time they did not have enough resources and adequate numbers of Will Trend Army to compete with such a large Mongol army. But the Chinese commanders did so by recruiting poor farmers to make up for the shortfall. These peasants were made part of the infantry or infantry and were assisted by cavalrymen who were trained soldiers. Now the formation of the Chinese in the field was that in the middle was the infantry of the peasants. There would be infantry and the left and right trend soldiers would line up on horses . Genghis Khan was watching this formation. He came up with a great solution. That is, when the battle began, Mongol archers would shoot arrows from the front, forcing the peasant infantry to retreat. Now there were cavalry standing on the right and left. So when it was raining arrows The cavalry of the Mongols would move from behind the mountains and attack the enemy cavalry from behind. The Chinese cavalry would be surrounded and killed Like the competition on the field, Genghis Khan had found a great way to conquer the forts. Its soldiers would first besiege a Chinese fort. After a while, they would stop eating and drinking and pretend to retreat. When the Chinese soldiers saw the Mongols fleeing, they opened the gates of the city They would go out to pick up or pursue the Mongols' leftovers. The Mongol army was prepared for this, So their concealed troops and their fleeing army would return and attack. This tactic did not allow the Chinese to close the gates of the fort and the Mongols went on conquering forts. But wait ... The question that must come to your mind here is that China had built a great wall, the Great Wall of China. And the main purpose of this wall was to stop the invaders

So how did Genghis Khan cross this barrier?

In fact, there are two versions of it in history. One is that Genghis Khan bypassed the Great Wall of China. That is, he found another way off the wall. It is also known that the army of the Chen dynasty which came to fight Genghis Khan was a mercenary army.And that is why Genghis Khan easily got them together. And some assumptions have been made about it. But there is another strong version of history that seems a little more rational. That is, in the time of Genghis Khan, the Great Wall of China was not so big that it was impossible to cross it And it has to be bypassed. Therefore, Genghis Khan had crossed the Great Wall of China with a little strategy. After conquering forts, he reached the center of the Chen Empire, Beijing. But what he saw from here was enough to blow his mind. Genghis Khan was accustomed to living in rivers, tents, mountains and small makeshift towns. He saw other Chinese cities along the way, but they weren't too big either. When he got close to the world's greatest city like Beijing, the scene was like a story to him. He saw a great city spread out in front of him Homes stretched for miles, he saw the ruins of huge buildings from afar. Seeing all this, he was lost in wonder and wonder.Because the bigger the city, the safer it was. His security was just as good. Thirty miles long and forty feet high were the walls around the city. On these walls were nine hundred towers in which arched guards sat. The city had twelve gates. There was a ditch on three sides around the city which was full of water. Interestingly, four small towns were also set up outside the city to protect the capital. There were strong walls and ditches around these four. These small towns were then connected to the capital by underground tunnels, underground tunnels. There were 4,000 soldiers in each of the surrounding small towns. Twenty to twenty-four thousand soldiers remained vigilant inside the capital. That is, the total number of the city's security forces reached forty thousand. But if need be, this army could have been augmented by a sudden increase of four lakhs. How is that The total population of the city was four lakhs And he could have joined the war at any time as a result of an order. So for a gypsy army, Beijing was an almost invincible city. Genghis Khan also realized after some review that it was not possible for him to conquer this city So he decided to keep the city under siege and put pressure on Chen. So that maximum wealth can be obtained. So he immediately deployed five thousand soldiers and closed all the roads leading to the city. He then sent his ambassador to the Qin emperor to offer peace in exchange for certain conditions.But the emperor was very proud of his defense system, his security system. He turned down the offer. Because the emperor believed that Genghis Khan would not be able to conquer such a safe city And finally, the severity of the weather and the oppression of time will force him to return empty-handed. But he was unaware of one thing. That his own governor is conspiring against him. And the direct benefit of this conspiracy was going to be to Genghis Khan. Chi Chung, a governor of the Qin Dynasty, was dreaming of seizing the empire. He and some of his comrades marched towards Beijing and escaped from the Mongol troops and reached the gates of Beijing. As soon as he reached the door, he shouted, "The Mongols are after me. Save me, save me." The guards opened the city gates, but Chi Chung entered the city and stormed the royal palace. The emperor and his bodyguards could not withstand the sudden onslaught. Even the emperor Chen, known as the Mongol Golden Khan, was killed in battle. Chi Chung preferred to be a king maker rather than an emperor himself. He enthroned a weak member of the Chen dynasty and became the supreme commander of the Chen dynasty. Now a puppet ruler was sitting on the Chinese throne but the order was going on of the Commander-in-Chief. But this was the only benefit to Genghis Khan When Chi Chung took command of the army to fight Genghis Khan, he fell ill. But he went out to fight even when he was ill. He continued to command the Chinese army against the Karamongols lying on a ledge It forced the Mongol army to retreat for two days in a row. But now his health was deteriorating. Illness did not allow him to fight any more. So on the third day, he decided to send one of his commanders, Kao, to fight the Mongols. But before he could be sent, he threatened to behead Kao if he returned defeated. Cow went to the battlefield with this fear of death in his heart and ... lost. After the defeat, Kao began to look at the beheaded corpse at the city gates. However, Kao secretly entered the city with his loyalists before anyone knew about it He went to his boss Chi Chung and blew his neck He did not want to die at the hands of a sick kingmaker. As news of Chi Chung's death spread, his loyal soldiers became furious. Civil war broke out in the city. Soldiers from both groups fought for two days. Keep shedding each other's blood. But then the puppet emperor intervened and somehow reconciled the two groups. After the reconciliation, Cao was made the new Supreme Commander But conditions in the city were getting worse and worse Due to the severe siege of Genghis Khan, there was a shortage of food in the city. Due to the severe siege of Genghis Khan, there was a shortage of food in the city. In such a situation Genghis Khan made another big decision to force the emperor to surrender He divided the rest of the army into different groups, leaving 5,000 troops to blockade the routes to Beijing. These groups were then sent to other cities in the Qin Dynasty to plunder The intention was that the emperor would surrender when news of the destruction of his cities reached him. The second purpose was to provide rations for Genghis Khan's army And it will be a tool to provide for the soldiers who are fed up with the siege However, these groups had to change their old strategy to conquer new cities Because the Mongols' escape tactic to conquer the cities was no longer working The Chinese soldiers understood this technique. They did not come out of the forts despite the Mongols fleeing  So now Genghis Khan also changed his strategy. The Mongol army began to seize people from the villages and bring them to the battlefield.

Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar
Who was Genghis Khan - Mongol Invasion to China's Jin dynasty Millionwar

The gates of the forts were broken through these Chinese village prisoners standing in front of them Often the guards on the walls would recognize them and consider them their own people and would be reluctant to attack them. Many would even refuse So the strategy was more successful and the gates of the cities began to break down easily When the gate was broken, the Mongol army would enter the city and capture it. After which the looting would start mercilessly in the open city. Slaves and handmaids were made Loot of gold, silver, and silk was piled up and standing crops were set on fire. All this news was reaching the Qin emperor.He could not see his kingdom being destroyed for long. He did not have the courage to compete, so he asked Genghis Khan for peace So a peace treaty was reached at the beginning of 1214. According to the terms of the treaty, the daughter of the Qin emperor was to marry Genghis Khan. The Qin Empire also required the Mongols to pay 3,000 horses, 100,000 gold plates, and 300,000 yards of silk. The agreement was reached but now it had to be implemented So before the process, Genghis Khan made some concessions and opened a few routes to Beijing. But here the Chinese emperor made a blatant mistake.When the Chinese emperor saw the easing of the siege, he seized the opportunity and fled Beijing, hiding in the southern city of Kaifeng. The city was even safer than Beijing Because its protective wall was 120 miles long Beijing's protective wall was only 30 miles long. When Genghis Khan got the news of the emperor's escape, he became furious He called the emperor's escape a breach of treaty and broke it . He ordered a strong siege of Beijing  So the easing of the siege ended and the open roads to Beijing were closed. This time the siege was so severe that food supplies in Beijing ran out. The people of the city were hungry. Until they began to eat their dead Major army commanders, generals began to flee the city in the dark of night On the contrary, there were some who became fed up and became part of Genghis Khan's army, saying that if nothing else, they would get enough to eat. But not all guards are like that. Even in the worst of circumstances, the guards repulsed and thwarted two major Mongol attacks. The Mongol army also suffered heavy casualties in these failed attacks But the reality was that after a long siege of almost a year, it was not just the Chinese civilians and the army The Mongol army was also fed up.The Mongols were also running out of food. Diseases were also spreading. The Mongol soldiers were dying. But the Mongols had this advantage anyway. That they were not under siege and that access to food and drink was open to them. Meanwhile, the Mongols seized a consignment of a thousand chakras. The carts were loaded with food and drink. The Mongols looted the consignment. He filled his stomach with this food, but when the empty stomach guards of Beijing got the news, their spirits were broken. But fortunately they still did not surrender And decided to try the last weapon. Although the weapon was sinking straw.

But the forced, helpless and months-long siege of the guards had no other choice?

But what was this weapon?

The Chinese at that time had a weapon that hardly anyone else in the world had these days

This weapon could turn the tide of war. But unfortunately for the Chinese, they did not devise a plan to make better use of this weapon.. This weapon was ammunition Yes

The Chinese had made ammunition in 1215 and used cannons and rifles in wars. But fortunately for Genghis Khan, the design of these guns and cannons was still in its infancy . Did not mature. Therefore, their targets were accurate and they were not causing so much destruction. As much as was needed to force the enemy to retreat. The city guards turned the cannons and guns on and opened fire on the Mongols. This was probably the first major use of firearms in human history. The guards were raining bullets and shells on the Mongols. But they soon ran out of ammunition. So they melted gold and silver and started making shells out of it. But all these weapons were useless and did not do the Mongols the damage that modern day firearms can do.As a result, the Chinese guards, who had gathered a little courage, also lost. Their emperor and all the great generals had already left them, there was not a single grain in the store of food. Beijing, the world's great city, had become a ghost town, a haunted city. Those who lived in it were alive but in the condition of men. After nearly a year and a half of siege, on June 1, 2012, the guards opened the city gates. And a scattering of mouths invited the storm to come in. Don't ask what happened when the Mongol army, which had been out for more than a year, entered the city. No house was safe, no man Sixty thousand girls committed suicide to escape the Mongols. The Mongols burned down all the places of worship in the city. Destroy city gates, set fire to neighborhoods and mansions. The number of people killed in and around Beijing is still unknown. But an estimated number is in the millions, or around three million. The Mongols also built towers of corpses and bones in the city. The bodies were so large that their fat spread in the streets and the feet of the pedestrians began to slip. At the time of the conquest of Beijing, Genghis Khan was in the area of ​​Dolan Noor, 361 km away. Genghis Khan returned to Mongolia in 1216. Along with it were treasures of gold, silver, precious stones, silk, and countless other precious things. When the goods, loaded in thousands of bullock carts, began to arrive in Mongolia, the Mongols' eyes widened in surprise. It is said that the colors of some of the goods were such that the Mongols had never seen them before In addition, thousands of doctors, artists and craftsmen were enslaved and brought to Mongolia. These people introduced the Mongols to art, culture and modern civilization Genghis Khan spent about five years in China And laid waste the capital of his most powerful empire. And this was the same Genghis Khan who was given no more importance by the same empire than a modest commander a few years ago. Beijing also sealed the end of the Qingdao Empire. Although the empire lasted for about twenty more years, it was now broken In addition to the Qin Empire, Genghis Khan subjugated the western Xia Empire of China. Along with China was another Uyghur empire Its king Barchuq showed wisdom and obeyed Genghis Khan before any war. The Uyghurs and Chinese then joined the Mongol army in large numbers. They taught the Mongols how to make catapults and other weapons Genghis Khan also learned modern methods of warfare from them Another increase in the power of the Mongol army followed. When the Mongols conquered the Central Asian kingdom of Kara-Khatai in 1218. Turkish Muslims living in this kingdom who were tired of the tyranny of the government. He considered Genghis Khan as his Messiah and joined the Mongol army. In Genghis Khan's lifetime, the Mongols could not rule over the whole of China. The Song Dynasty of southern China in particular remained completely independent. However, during the reign of his grandson Kublai Khan, the Mongols occupied the whole of China. But this is obviously after the life of Genghis Khan. But yes, Genghis Khan had overthrown a very powerful Islamic empire in his lifetime.

What was this empire?

Why did Genghis Khan attack a powerful Muslim empire?

Why couldn't Muslims compete in large numbers?

And who was that general who was a headache for Genghis Khan for years?

And despite the best efforts, why the tomb of Genghis Khan has not been found till today?