Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
 Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

 Who Was Karl Marx 

It is one of the densest forests in the Rhineland. Eighteen hundred and forty-three, before Etienne Forty-three, these forests were occupied by rich people. The poor people of the Rhineland could not cut a single branch from a tree. But they still had the freedom to pick firewood on the ground to survive the harsh winter. But in the early 1840s, a forest law was passed. According to the law, no one except the forest owners can pick firewood on the ground. In the Rhineland region of the German nation, the poor were killed alive in the name of the rule of law. But keeping their homes warm and meeting their food and drink needs. Many starving victims fell victim to the black law of the jungle. Some were killed and some lives became hell. But this law of the jungle gave birth to Karl Marx out of Dr. Marx.

How did these forests change Karl Marx forever?

Why did Marx betray his green-eyed girlfriend?

I am Sadaqat Ali and This is what we are showing you in the second Article of Who Was Karl Marx. Marx received his doctorate from the University of Gina in 1841, Etienne Forty-One. After completing his doctorate, he moved to Cologne, Germany. Where some of his liberal friends were publishing a newspaper. The newspaper's editor, Adolf Rothenberg, was also a friend. He was also a member of the Doctors' Club, a literary organization of which Marx was a member. In addition to Rottenberg, Marx had many fans in those days. Who was, after all, a fan of his grip on philosophy and his revolutionary ideas.

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Photo by Karl Marx

One of the changes Marx made in those days was that he grew a beard during his university days. The beard had created a horror in his personality and onlookers were immediately overwhelmed by it. Interestingly, there was even a slight spelling in Marx's language. But in the face of his fearful personality and strong arguments, the leaves of the great men would turn to water. Many people were even afraid of his personality. The party he sat in was often overshadowed by his domineering voice and arguments. In Cologne, Karl Marx also wrote some articles for the newspaper Zeitung. Shortly afterwards, he was offered an editorship in the newspaper. This offer was accepted by Karl Marx. It was to become Marx's editor that the newspaper reached new heights. Its circulation soon grew from hundreds to thousands.It soon became the favorite newspaper of all liberal circles in Germany. Zai Tong's newspaper under Marx's editorship was flying the flag of success, but at the same time Some problems were also arising. The reason for these problems was that Karl Marx strongly disliked restrictions on newspapers. He was a philosopher, he preferred to think freely, speak his mind and communicate freely to others. He did not see any restrictions on freedom of expression. But the problem was that Germany had strict censorship laws. The government hired officers who censored every newspaper And in the meanwhile, they would take out the news or article which they did not like. That is, they did not allow it to be published.But for Marx it was even more painful than censorship That the officers appointed by the government for censorship were completely ignorant. He could not understand the newspapers and the articles hidden in them. The subtleties of philosophy were also beyond his mental approach. Friends of all this had an interesting result. That the censored officers were allowed to publish the news that was sent to them to stop it. And stopped the news that actually had to be hidden. Now the funny thing was that if these censorship officers were ignorant. So the officers above him were more educated and stupid than him.

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
 Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Photo Of Arnold Rouge

When these people see that the news is printed in the newspaper. If they were to be stopped, instead of handing over the duty of censorship to a sensible person, they would simply shut down the newspaper. A newspaper by Arnold Rouge, a friend of Marx's, had recently closed. Zai Tong was also closely monitored by censorship, but now it was the young Karl Marx's job to keep the newspaper going. So it was a challenge for Marx to compete with government censorship and censorship officers. But he did not give up his mischievous nature and kept on harassing the censors. Once he deliberately hid the news from the censor's office that the newspaper would not be published the next day for some reason. Now the censor officer waited in his office until late at night for a draft of Karl Marx's newspaper. That they could come and censor it.But when the newspaper did not arrive for a long time, he reached Marx's house exhausted And demanded a draft so that he could censor it and fulfill his duty. Instead of opening the door for him, Marx replied from the window that we are not publishing a newspaper tomorrow. And then he closed the window and listened without answering. The poor officer returned home beating his head. Where Karl Marx was worried about censorship restrictions.The ignorance of the censor officers was also very useful to him. Because he sometimes took advantage of their stupidity to publish articles that censored officers would never allow to be published.For example, these low-censored censors would censor ordinary news And let the articles written against the censorship of Karl Marx be published. According to the healing killer ... I'm sorry that your 'ignorance' kept the lodge empty

If you were 'literate', where would the scales go?

Marx used to say that public criticism is the real and real censorship. Government censorship is like a gifted surgeon, a clumsy sage In the name of treatment, a part of the body is cut off. He also slammed so-called supporters of press freedom in his articles Who would sit in their drawing rooms and give lectures on press freedom .But in practice they did nothing to liberate the press. In the midst of Marx's mischief, the foolishness of the censors, somehow this newspaper continued to hide. But ironically, Karl Marx, who is considered the founder of modern communism. He did not even know the alphabet of communism until then, when he was working for a newspaper. Or let's say he had very little information about it. Remember, friends, that communism was not an invention or a term invention. Communism is a form of socialism, and the term began to be used around the time when Marx was the editor of Zeitung. You know what the proponents of socialism used to talk about the establishment of a labor-friendly government in those days. But Marx knew nothing about socialism or communism. Even a few times when he tried to argue with his friends about it, he got fed up. Then it happened that during this time some laws were made which pushed Marx towards communism and he also started considering communism as the savior of humanity. It was the laws of the jungle that changed the course of Marx's thinking and the history of the world, so to speak. My Curious Fellows, you know that Marx belonged to the Rhineland region of the German state of Prussia. And his family lived in Trier, Rhineland. The Rhineland was rich in forests. There were forests around every city, town or village. These forests were usually the property of the wealthy class. Where they mostly grew grapes and made wine Ordinary people were not even allowed to cut down trees here. But one right they still had in those days.That is, the branches of the trees that naturally broke and fell down were picked up by the common people to meet their needs. It also cleared the forest and helped the common people. This system has been going on in the Rhineland for centuries and no one has ever objected to it. But at the beginning of the Eighteenth Forties, the Rhineland's wealthy class suddenly began to feel it. That poor people are stealing firewood from their forests. He thought that the wood that fell from the trees also belonged to the rich No poor person has the right to carry this wood. So the powerful people passed some rules that later became known as the laws of the jungle. You could call them Jungle Laws. In these laws it was decided that the poor man would pick up a piece of wood that had fallen in the forest of a rich man. He will be imprisoned. What's more, the owner of the forest could get the price of his timber from the poor man And the price was fixed according to the will of the owner. That is, whatever the rich man wants to do, the poor will have to pay. These laws, literally and figuratively, were in every sense the laws of the jungle And these laws have caused great anger among the people of the Rhineland. But the government did not care about the anger of the poor. They decided to strictly enforce the forest law. Therefore, anyone who violated these rules had to go round the police station. It so happened that in a short span of time, about one and a half lakh cases were registered against the poor. My Curious Fellows It was the passage of the laws of the jungle that brought Karl Marx closer to communism. By the way, he had been noticing the difference between rich and poor since he lived in the city of Trier. It was surrounded by vineyards, the owners of which the rich people used to make wine from them and were getting richer and richer. While the poor people working in these vineyards were getting poorer and poorer. The majority of the people in his city were poor and forced to beg and prostitute themselves. Marx saw the condition of these people very closely .But at that time he did not know who was responsible for their condition.

Or which factor is responsible for it?

But now, as a journalist, while he was more aware, he was watching with his own eyes.How the rich people of Germany are squeezing the blood of the poor in the name of law and order. Marx could not remain silent on this oppression. He picked up a pen and wrote some articles against these laws of the jungle. In these articles, Marx sharply criticized these regulations and even satirized government officials who supported the law. These articles were also published due to the incompetence of government censorship But top government officials were outraged by the articles when they reached them. Marx did not write his name on these articles, but obviously he was the editor of the newspaper. Therefore, the government took action against the unknown author and the newspaper. The governor of Rhineland appealed to the Prussian federal government .That the author of this article be prosecuted for contempt of government. Rhineland-Palatinate calls Zai Tong newspaper "blasphemous" Marx took a step back and took a cautious approach to the governor's aggressive behavior. He also wrote a diplomatic letter to the governor. "Just as the whole of Germany prays for the safety of the king, so do we wish him well," he wrote. He was obviously doing all this to save himself and the newspaper.But despite this letter of appreciation, the tension between the government and the newspaper Instead of decreasing, it increased with time. Then, on January 21, 1843, a horseman arrived in Cologne from Berlin, the capital of Prussia, on horseback. He had an official order. The order said the government had canceled the license of the resident Zai Tong newspaper And now this newspaper will not be published after March. Zai Tong's old license was due to expire in March And the government has made it clear that it will not renew the license. Surprisingly, this order was given directly by King Frederick William IV of Prussia. This royal decree was a surprise to Marx and his associates. They did not understand what had suddenly happened that the king himself had ordered the closure of the newspaper. In those days, some articles were published in the newspaper in support of the farmers. Marx thought that perhaps the government was angry with these articles. Little did Marx and his colleagues know that there was another great game going on behind the scenes.

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
 Who Was Karl Marx

Photo of Tsar Nicholas

The order to close the newspaper came not from Berlin but directly from Russia. Yes, the order to close Marx's newspaper was given not by the King of Prussia but by the King of Russia, Tsar Nicholas I. It so happened that an article was published in Zai Tong on January 4, 1843, Etienne Forty Three. The Russian government was severely criticized. Prussia was now Russia's ally in the Eighteen Forties at the time. When the Russian government learned of the article, the Prussian ambassador to Russia was summoned. The Russian government asked the ambassador how the German press could insult us despite your strict censorship. The Prussian ambassador told his government in Berlin about the incident. So this newspaper was closed.However, it was not long before Marx learned that his newspaper had been shut down by the Russians. Look at the persecution of history, who knew then


Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
 Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

That the ideas of Karl Marx will one day overthrow the Tsarist Russia forever and destroy his family. Even if Tsarist Russia had the slightest threat, the newspaper, Karl Marx, would probably not have survived. However, at the behest of his friend Nicholas One, the newspaper Zai Tong was shut down. Following the closure of this newspaper, a political cartoon was published in the German press In which Karl Marx was portrayed in the style of his ideal Greek god Prometheus. The only difference was that Prometheus was tied to a rock but Marx was tied to a printing press. And an eagle was trying to rip his stomach out of his liver. In this way, Marx became to some extent the practical embodiment of the story of his ideal god. When the Zai Tong newspaper closed, Germany's liberal class was upset Karl Marx was surprisingly happy. Yes, he was thankful in his heart that he got rid of the strict rules of censorship. And now he is free to find another way. "I'm suffocating in this environment," he told his friend Arnold Rouge.Working in an atmosphere of obedience and restraint and using the point of a needle instead of a sword for freedom seems to be a thing of the past. The government has given me back my freedom. After the closure of the newspaper, Karl Marx was really feeling very light. At the same time, he understood that he could not speak freely in Germany. He knew that censorship in Germany could not end without a revolution. So now he wanted to go to a place where he had the freedom to write and speak And where the German government's bus does not run so that it can pursue its revolutionary agenda without worry.

Anyway, who owned it in Germany now?

He had lost many close relatives and friends long ago. His father was Heinrich Marx who was also his closest friend Those who used to take part in scholarly discussions with him had long since passed away. After his death, Karl Marx had lost his mother. Marx's mother complained that he was wasting his time in revolutionary activities instead of running his household. So he never spoke directly to Marx, and Marx often stayed away from him. That is, he practically lost his mother. In addition to his parents, the other disadvantage was that Karl Marx had made his friends his enemies because of his strict nature. He also criticized his closest friends so much that they became disgusted with him. Until yesterday, those who were in awe of his personality were now starting to change their ways after seeing him. Germany's elite class and civil servants were already drawn to him as an enemy of the monarchy. In short, Karl Marx was left alone in the crowded cities of Germany. If she had any real friends and admirers left, she was just an entity ... Marx's green-eyed fiance Jenny.

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
 Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Jenny was with him in these difficult situations and was waiting for him. But Marx's attitude did nothing to hurt him. Seven years had passed since Jenny's engagement And these seven years have been very difficult for both of them and they have created a lot of misunderstandings. Dostoyevsky had little contact with Jenny during her university studies and later as an editor in Cologne. There was no phone or internet in those days. The two could only communicate with each other by letter And in the letters, too, there was an interval of weeks and months. As a result, some misunderstandings arose between the two lovebirds. Jenny was from a wealthy family and had no shortage of relationships. Marx's revolutionary activities in Cologne And the way in which he had written harsh articles against the government in the newspaper had created many enemies in the elite class. These enemies included many relatives of Jenny and Marx who did not want to see the two together. The problem now was that Jenny had to stay in Trier and fight all these opponents alone. Jenny listened to the taunts of her relatives and was heartbroken. But when she wrote a letter to Marx expressing her concerns, Marx would be upset. She feels that Jenny is fed up with it and wants to get rid of it. He would write a reply to Jenny's complaint. Poor Jenny would get even more upset after reading it. Jenny complained that Marx was doubting her love, and Marx thought Jenny was tired of him. During this time, Marx also allegedly betrayed Jenny.He fell in love with a German poetess his mother's age. The irony is, friends, that he once brought this woman to his hometown of Trier and introduced her to Jenny, the poetess. This meeting must have been a resurrection for Jenny. But despite this incident, Jenny continued to love Marx and did not break up with him. Interestingly, Jenny once wrote a letter to Marx to make him feel indifferent"Oh Carl ..." You have no idea of ​​my condition and sorrow I wish you could be a weird girl like me for a while, maybe you could feel me. However, over a period of seven years, the furnace of separation and misunderstanding continued to burn Marx distanced himself from the German poetess and Jenny fell back into his veins like a calf. When Marx decided to leave Germany, he first went to Jenny's house and married her. Only a few of her friends and in-laws attended the wedding. No one came from Marx's mother or his house.Marx's mother-in-law gave her daughter a dowry, jewelry and a silver plate, as well as a box full of notes. She wanted the couple to start a new life with this money. But it so happened that Marx and Jenny squandered all that money within a week of their honeymoon trip. The silver plate and ornaments that Jenny received in her dowry were also pledged to the Mahajans for many years to come. After the marriage, Karl Marx remained at home for six months. The question before him was where to leave Germany. After much thought, he decided to move to Paris, the capital of France, because his old friend Arnold Rouge was already there. He too had left the country, fed up with censorship in Germany, and was preparing to launch a new newspaper in Paris. Before leaving for Paris, Rouge had offered Marx an editorship in his new newspaper, which he accepted. Marx had decided that he would now work for a lifelong revolution And will create a system through which this difference between rich and poor will be eliminated from the world. Thus, at the end of 1843, Marx set out on a revolutionary journey with his wife, Jenny, which was about to turn the corner of history.

What did Karl Marx have to endure in exile?

How did he find the best revolutionary partner of his life and who was he?

What were the answers to Marx's three questions? The question he had been asking himself and others since childhood

How did he prepare the Communist Manifesto?