Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar
Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Who Was Karl Marx

Eighteen hundred and forty-five was the year when Karl Marx became stateless. He was not a citizen of any country. Karl Marx had to sift through the dust of his life because of his ideas. From the German state of Prussia to Paris, from Paris to Belgium, from Belgium to London, from London back to Belgium From Belgium to Paris again, from Paris again to Germany, from Germany back to Paris And I wandered from Paris to the streets of London. The European powers were tired of it and wanted to silence it. But in the process, he teamed up with his best friend, Frederick Engels Prepared a document that overthrew many empires in the times to come.

How was this document prepared?

Why did Karl Marx become a gypsy?

How did socialism give birth to modern communism?

I am Sadaqat Ali  "Who Was Karl Marx" in the third Article. That's all we're showing you Karl Marx left Germany in 1843, eighteen forty-three And he moved to Paris, France, with his bride, Jenny. Here, together with his friend Arnold Rouge, he was publishing a German-French magazine, Yubischu. The two friends decided to print 3,000 copies of the booklet and smuggle them into Germany. In this way, these people will escape government censorship and reach the minds of the people. But friends, there was a little misunderstanding. Little did he know that German intelligence was also monitoring him in Paris. German intelligence knew about Marx and Rouge's plans That's why they kept a close watch on the German-French border. When Karl Marx and Arnold Rouge tried to smuggle this booklet into Germany So 2,000 copies were seized at the border. Barely a thousand copies could be smuggled into Germany. The German government then ordered that if Marx or Rouge or any of his close associates If he tries to return to Germany, he should be arrested immediately. Roj became frightened by this order and out of fear he stopped the publication of this magazine. He also refused to pay Marx. The ideological differences between Arnold Rouge and Marx also became very sharp during this time. Thus, the first issue of this booklet proved to be the last. The magazine closed and Marx lost his job. This is how the friendship between Marx and Arnold Rouge ended But it was during the friendship that an article was published in their magazine.

Who Was Karl Marx Millionwar

Who Was Karl Marx
Who Was Karl Marx
Frederick Engels

This article made a huge difference in the life of Karl Marx. Not only did he bring about change but he also brought a friend who continued to support Karl Marx financially and morally throughout his life. Even after his death, he worked to propagate the ideas of Karl Marx. Even today, statues of the two are made together.

Who was this friend of Karl Marx?

My Curious Fellow This friend was Frederick Engels. Friedrich Engels was German but he lived in Britain. Engels' father was a wealthy industrialist, an industrialist. He wanted his son Engels to grow in the same business. But Engels was more politically inclined and wanted to bring about a revolution in society. Engels had studied economics, economics very deeply and now he was looking at the injustice in society from the point of view of economy. His articles on the relationship between the economy and poverty were frequently published. When Karl Marx was the editor of Zeitung in Cologne, Germany, Engels once visited Cologne. There he had a brief meeting with Marx. But after that there was a long silence on both sides. But when Karl Marx came to Paris, his correspondence with Engels increased considerably. Karl Marx was greatly influenced by Engels's writings. That's why when Karl Marx and Arnold Rouge published their magazine, an article by Engels was also published in it. In this article, Engels criticized the capitalist economic system, the capitalist economic system, in the light of scientific socialism. Inspired by this article, Karl Marx thought that he too should have a good understanding of economics. So for the first time, he started studying economics properly. As soon as he understood the nuances of the economy, he realized that the only way to improve humanity is through the economy. The difference between rich and poor can only disappear if the difference between wealth is eliminated. But the question was, how can this difference, this division, be bridged and even earlier

The question was, why this division?

Research to answer this question proved to be Karl Marx's lifetime achievement. During this research, a system emerged in the mind of Karl Marx which emerged as a modern form of communism at that time. The term "friendly communism" was not coined by Karl Marx. Rather, it had already become a branch of socialism. The ideology of socialism had also become very popular in the nineteenth century. Socialism is a society in which everyone has equal access to all economic and social means to live a good life. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. In the 1840s, a new term, "communism", was used for the same socialism in the Eighteenth Forties. But there was no apparent difference between this new term and socialism. But when the term came into use, the revolutionary youth of Europe in those days were influenced by Marx's revolutionary writings. Thus, in this atmosphere, communism was attributed to Marx. Marx, too, through hard work and research, introduced such a face of communism Which was slightly different from socialism but its developed form. The role that Marx played in putting communism into practice Because of this, some people call Marx's communism Marxism.Friends, you know that Karl Marx was looking for answers to three questions from the beginning of his youth.

The first question was what would be the role of religion in society?

The second question was how to end censorship in Germany.

And the third question in his mind was what should be the role of the working class in society?


Who Was Karl Marx
Who Was Karl Marx


While living in Paris, he found the answers to all three questions. As far as the role of God in society is concerned, Marx made this reference He read the great German philosopher Hegel very carefully and for some time was a huge fan of his. Hegel proposed the Absolute Idea Understand it in simple terms without going into the complications Hegel used to say that God exists, but that existence is no different from the universe. Rather, the present universe is actually God. At the same time, he understood that God did not create any destiny or destiny for which man was bound. Man makes his own way of life with his intellect and consciousness That is, he is responsible for his own good and bad without any universal intervention. Karl Marx liked Hegel's philosophy very much. But he was not much impressed by the unity of the universe and God. On the contrary, he considered the second thing, the freedom of human intellect, to be more logical. In addition to Hegel, he also read another German philosopher, Fیوhrer Bach's book, The Essence of Christianity. In this book, Feuerbach denied the existence of God. He said that religion and God are in fact the creation of the human mind Which man has created from his own thinking for his own need.He wrote that nothing exists outside of nature and man, that is, beyond matter. All that is needed is substance. Even thinking. If the human mind exists in the form of matter, then there is also thought in it Otherwise the idea or thought has no existence of its own. Understand these friends in simple words. Now it seems that Karl Marx found Feuerbach's philosophy a little more logical than Hegel's. He therefore agreed with Hegel's philosophy, leaving only the existence of God, with the points of free human consciousness. He further changed Hegel's philosophy and combined his new ideas with the economy and the means of production. That is why Marx often said that Hegel's philosophy was upside down, but I have straightened it out. Karl Marx had already found the answer to his second question, censorship, in Germany. That is, when the German government closed its newspaper Zai Tong So he understood that the capitalist class would not be ready to end censorship without revolution.

The third question is where does the working class fit into society?

Marx found the answer while studying economics. He came to the conclusion that the government in society is not capitalist Rather, the difference between rich and poor in society will disappear only if the workers get it. He thinks that only then will human beings be able to survive playing the Chinese flute in an atmosphere of equality. Thus, Marx became clearer in his views day by day And within a few years, he began to shape his ideas into a formal doctrine. This doctrine was called Marx's Communism or Marxism. To understand Marx's communism, friends, first know this

What was this capitalist system that Marx was fighting against?

Friends, the basis of capitalism, also called capitalism, is very simple. Capital means that whatever wealth a person has more than his personal use is capital. He can invest this capital whenever and however he wants. And then when the profit from this investment comes, its capital will increase even more. He will continue to reinvest this profit and this process will never end. There is no limit to the investor's assets, product sales and profits. In addition, the capitalist is free to invest in every region of the world. This means that investors can invest as much as they want around the world And there is no restriction on earning wealth. Followers of capitalism believe that it is a moral and legal right of man to pursue his own interests and to build personal property. While the job of the state is to protect these rights of the individual, ie the right to own capital. Friends, you know what you hear about big multinational companies like Coca-Cola, Google, Samsung, etc. today. All these companies are based on the same principle of capitalism. That is, investment, profit and then reinvestment and profit. These companies continue to reinvest their profits around the world. And again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes.Makes newer and newer products. They then sell them to the general public through attractive advertisements And from their profits they go on to make new products. Thus it is a circle in which the whole capitalist society revolves. Proponents of capitalism say that this approach helps to reduce unemployment. A simple example of this is the profit of a landowner, a cloth maker or a shoe maker. It goes beyond its own needs. In that case the person will hire more to increase his profits. As a result, profits will increase and more and more employees will be recruited. In other words, more profits from business people become the basis of common wealth and prosperity in a society. Now Karl Marx was rejecting the idea of ​​capitalism. ا He believed that when the capitalist class is allowed to increase its investment So he exploits the workers for profit. He used to say that in capitalism only raw materials are bought with capital But a new value in this raw material arises from the labor of the laborer. As a result, this raw material becomes a new product and its price is much higher than the raw material. According to Karl Marx, the increased value, which is the price, is in fact the surplus value, or value surplus, which is the right of the laborer.He did not consider it the right of the capitalist to do so much. Karl Marx used to say that surplus value is eating away at all capitalists And the laborer gets a very meager salary. Thus the capitalist class is richer and richer than the blood and sweat of the working class While the laborer or the common man gets poorer and poorer. In addition, the product produced by the laborer is considered to be the creation of the capitalist, not his own. That is why the worker gets bored of hard work. Marx called this process of workers' boredom alienation. It is also called Marx's Philosophy of Alienation or Theory of Alien Nation. Marx wanted to end the whole system that was exploiting the workers and alienating them from their labor. For Marx, this was only possible When the capitalist system is completely abolished and replaced by a working class government.

But the biggest question here was, "How can such a government be formed?"

In answer to this question, Karl Marx came to a dangerous conclusion. He realized that a peaceful change of government was not possible in a capitalist society. He did not think that democracy was the solution to this problem. On the contrary, Marx used to make fun of democracy. He used to say that democracy is a system in which the oppressed class decides every few years Which of the oppressors will exploit them this time through Parliament?

Karl Marx believed that religion was also a weapon of capitalists Which they use to crush the oppressed classes. Ordinary people are silenced by saying this through religion.That they should be silent once and for all, considering the oppression that has befallen them as a sign of destiny. Because the day will come when God will set the scales of justice, then everyone will get justice. Karl Marx writes in his books that religion is like opium. Which goes on showing man dreams. Marx began to understand that change was not possible until the working class overthrew the capitalist government and brought about a revolution. According to him, the war for change was inevitable and he obviously thought that there would be bloodshed.

Why did he think that now?

Looking at the era of My Curious Fellow Marx, it seems that he had the idea of ​​bloody change It was taken from the French Revolution, because the monarchy there ended after a terrible bloody revolution. However, Marx was well aware and believed that the outcome of the French Revolution did not live up to the expectations of the people. Even after the bloodshed of thousands of compatriots, the French people were left in despair. Because shortly after the revolution, Napoleon's era ended Once again, the rule of the ancient Bourbon royal family was restored. And Napoleon was an emperor who was a communist or a democratic leader. Karl Marx did not want the coming revolution to suffer the same fate as the French Revolution because of his ideas. Therefore, Marx envisioned the establishment of an ideal communist society in two stages after the revolution. According to him, the first step would be to get the working class through the communist revolution It will overthrow the capitalist system and take power into its own hands. At this stage, workers will have complete control over the government and the economy. This government will give everyone a fair compensation for their labor. That is, the capitalist class will not pay the workers, but the government will determine the compensation according to their labor. This way there will be no more excess wealth And no one will be able to become a billionaire, a trillionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire. When this phase is successfully completed then the second phase will start. At this stage, communism will be fully realized.It will establish a society in which there will be no class division and no government. In this society, everyone will be getting work automatically according to their ability And he will be paid according to his needs. This means that there will be no need for any government, state, law, and court in society. This society will run on autopilot by itself. So this was Marx's communist philosophy, also called Marxism. This system was developed by Marx with the help of his friend Engels. Marx and Engels in the Eighteen Forties, in the 1840s. He also contacted socialist movements around the world to introduce the system and try to make it a success. But where Karl Marx was fighting against capitalism .The anti-revolutionary forces were also trying their best to block its path. The rulers of the German state of Prussia, Marx's hometown, were always afraid of Karl Marx Conspiring against them in exile. He therefore pressured the French government to expel Karl Marx. The French government itself was annoyed by this, as revolutionary movements against the monarchy began to re-emerge in France as well.Under these circumstances, the French government deported Marx in 1845, eighteen forty-five. Marx was once again exiled. But this time, instead of returning to Prussia France's northern neighbor entered Belgium. But the German police did not follow Marx there and began to put pressure on the Belgian government. That they should also deport Marx. Marx again took a unique step to avoid deportation. He renounced Prussian citizenship. He also gave a written assurance to the Belgian government that he would not take part in political activities here. He was then allowed to stay in Belgium. After giving up Prussian citizenship, Karl Marx could no longer obtain citizenship of any country. Although he once tried to regain Prussian citizenship, he failed.Karl Marx also wrote that the worker has no country. Even today, friends, if you look at the nationality of Karl Marx on Wikipedia or any other site, it is written stateless after 18 Supentalis. In 1847, when Karl Marx was still in Belgium At that time, a secret society of German immigrants met in Britain. This secret society was called the League of Justice. The league consisted mostly of German immigrants. This secret society sent a representative to Marx and invited him to join them. Marx went to Britain with Engels and joined the league. The society was later renamed the Communist League. In 1847, a conference of the League of the Just was held in London. Engels also attended the conference.

Who Was Karl Marx

It was decided at the conference that the organization would now be made a communist according to the principles of Karl Marx. At the request of the same organization, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 at Etienne Forty-Eight. Which became a sacred document for communists around the world. In this document, between the capitalist class or, as it were, the "bourgeoisie" and the working class, the "proletarians," The class struggle or class struggle was analyzed. The Manifesto states that mankind has developed historically or that everything in the world has happened or is about to happen. That is the result of just one thing ... Class struggle or class struggle. The manifesto stated that capitalism would be abolished and replaced by a workers' society. The Communists are the vanguard of the working class They will abolish private property and bring the workers, the proletarians, to power. The manifesto concludes with the words that the proletariat has nothing but its own chains. There is nothing more to lose. While they have a world in front of them that they can win. So unite the workers of the world. This manifesto was an open declaration of war against the capitalist powers Which shook even the superpowers in the future. But there is a big misconception about Marx's life.That he wrote a lot but he could not bring any revolution in his life. All the revolutions that came to his ideology came after his life. But this is not entirely true There was an occasion in Marx's life when the revolution knocked on his door And he responded to the voice of this revolution.

What kind of revolution was this?

What was the secret that was revealed after the death of Karl Marx?

Why did Marx take up arms for revolution?